Tuesday, September 2, 2008

fears VS. death

so i was thinking about the things i fear the most. and they probably are things that would kill me. but they are probably the ways i would choose to die.

like bears. i fear bears and bear attacks more than most things. probably cuz i have met bears and have witnesssed their feats of strength. i think that if attacked by a bear i would pee my pants, then cry, then poo myself, then i would fight. see one of my dreams in life is to fight a bear. cuz if i died i think that when i go to heaven or hell or whatever is waiting, i will get there and be kicking it with elvis and king charlemange and maybe john stamos if he dies first, and well be talking about how we died... and at least i'll be able to join in to the conversation. cuz if william wallace and charlamange jump in... what if anne boelyn is there too... who can compete with how they died? I CAN!

another fear i have is falling down off a freeway overpass into speeding traffic. how horriblr of a death would that be? the thing is (as morbid as this is) that this fear would be my chosen form of suicide. nothing else would work. and for all those people who are going to say that suicide thoughts are horrible to have and that i should go get help and all that yellow ribbon crap.... i am not SUICIDAL! and everyone has thought about how they would kill themselves whether you admit it or not! you know that you can't slice your wrists, and jumping off a building would ecstatic, and that overdosing on pills is hard cuz you can't afford that many pills.

another thing i fear is being on the recieving end of that whole falling off an overpass.

so now to make this whole blog a little more happy and make me look a little crazier.

i think that puppies are cuter than kittens. pweriod. my girlfriend may think otherwise but i think that puppies with those big beady eyes and their waggy tails and all slobbery. how cute is it when a puppy greets you when you get home and rolls around and plays with you. what do kittens do? explore? what do i want with an intelligent and curious animal when i could have a little wreck full of fluff? i like puppies cuz you can have so many diffrent looks whereas it takes a keen eye to tell kittens apart. kittens are like the asians of cute baby animals.

on the other hand i preffer wild cats over wild dogs. a tiger can kick a wolf's butt anytime. anywhere. but oddly enough i am more scared and excited to fight a bear than a tiger. cuz a bear can kick a tigers butt anytime. why do you think those asian tigers don't messwith the pandas? cuz pandas may be chill but they got some bear cousins up north that would come down to china and kick anyones ass who messes with panda.

thats all i got to say tonight. good job troopers. if you read it all and leave a comment, next time i see you you get a cookie.

pulp fiction

watching pulp fiction as i write this. and it is blowing my mind. three tomatoes are walking down the street, papa tomatoe, momma tomatoe, and baby tomatoe. the baby tomatoe starts lagging behind which makes the pap tomatoe mad. so the papa tomatoe goes and squishes the baby tomatoe and says "catch up" (ketshup).