Wednesday, July 30, 2008


now that california has this new law about the whole hands free phones and bluetooth nonsense, i have started using my bluetooth headset. it's nice not having to hold a phone up to my ear, now i can eat and drink while i'm talking oon the phone and driving. did these legislaters really think that people were going to use that free hand to drive? i've been driving one handed for ages and now i just need other things to fill up that hands time. it gets lonely with out a phone in it. i think i'm just gonna use it to write things and draw stuff.

wow i thought that topic would take me alot farther than it did. i guess i just figure that california legislation is alredy getting made fun of and everyone already knows what i mean. not as comidic as i thought. mybe my lack of spelling and grammar ability will make this blog entertaining.

i had a steak today. it was delicious.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


so i was thinking of going to sleep before the sun comes up but i figured by the time i get in bed it will have already. i also thought of going to watch the sunrise... but i might just go to sleep. so i think that sleep is a big factor in the decision i am about to make. like the constant variable. you see sleep is going to come. and soon. but how soon is still up for debate and what i do with the time thatcomes before sleep its up for debate as well.

so that is what i am thinking about right now if anyone was wondering.

i also am wondering if i am ever going to go back to a normal sleep schedule ever. i think that i should go to turkey or dubai to be on a normal schedule. dubai would be nice. i wonder if they need anyone to work their hugonormous skyscraper that they are building. i could... tell them if they made it tall enough. for a fee. that would be awsome.

i wonder what i will be intrested in when the olympics start? i do want to watch badmington and soccer and b-ball. but what else will there be to entertain my senses? gymnastics is ok. and... oh! i know! the long distance running events and the high jumps and the sprints and the swimming. horray olympics you have filled my life with wonder and hope once again! hooray.

sorry that this doesn't make sense but i never make sense so enjoy it.

no sunset for me. maybe... nah lemonade and bed instead. get rid of this killer headache that i have.


Sunday, July 20, 2008

first blog

this is going to be short cuz it's my first one.