Wednesday, July 30, 2008


now that california has this new law about the whole hands free phones and bluetooth nonsense, i have started using my bluetooth headset. it's nice not having to hold a phone up to my ear, now i can eat and drink while i'm talking oon the phone and driving. did these legislaters really think that people were going to use that free hand to drive? i've been driving one handed for ages and now i just need other things to fill up that hands time. it gets lonely with out a phone in it. i think i'm just gonna use it to write things and draw stuff.

wow i thought that topic would take me alot farther than it did. i guess i just figure that california legislation is alredy getting made fun of and everyone already knows what i mean. not as comidic as i thought. mybe my lack of spelling and grammar ability will make this blog entertaining.

i had a steak today. it was delicious.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you are fantasticus! you made me laugh. i miss you, little buddy.


i couldn't resist.